Saturday, June 15, 2013

They say relationship has many stages. Indeed. It's been 18 mths at the moment. We've already pass the honeymoon period where couples are so deeply in love that they couldn't see each other flaws. 

We've also passed the period were we start to quarrel and argue and dig out stuff to improve each other to a certain level... 

Right now, we are at a stage where we just enjoy each other companion and sharing of everydays' joys and problems. Finding and starting a good career is our priority at the moment. Hopefully, this period can last cause I enjoy such calm and stagnant times :) 

People might think what's it to be in love when there's no big ups and downs or we do not stick entirely close with each other or live in our own couple world.

But to us, such relationship is prolly the most secured and realistic. And it's something that will slowly blossom and grow. 


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